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Advanced Customization 🧰

Posted on 3 mins

Kayal Advanced Config Partial

There are many ways you can make advanced changes to Kayal. Read below to learn more about what can be customized and the best way to achieve your desired result.

Hugo’s Lookup Order

TLDR: Never directly edit theme files; instead, copy the file/template that you want to edit to your project root and make edits there.

If you don’t like or want to modify something in the theme, it’s best to follow Hugo’s practice. Never modify the files in the themes/kayal directory; rather, copy the file that you want to modify to your site’s directory and make modifications there. Hugo’s file lookup order will prioritize your site’s files over the theme’s.

For example, if you want to modify the single.html template for articles, you can copy the file from mywebsite/themes/kayal/layouts/_default/single.html to mywebsite/layouts/_default/single.html and make modifications there.

Kayal also includes some placeholder partial templates that you can use to extend its capabilities. More details below.

Custom Homepage

If you want to modify and provide a custom homepage, you can create a mywebsite/layouts/partials/homepage.html partial template to override the default. This will override the theme’s profile partial located in themes/kayal/partials/home/profile.html.


Google Analytics

Kayal supports Google Analytics using Hugo’s Google Analytics embedded template . To enable it, provide your Google Analytics ID in the hugo.toml config file.


Other Analytics

If you prefer to use a different analytics provider, you can override the analytics partial and provide your own script. Create mywebsite/layouts/partials/analytics/custom.html file with the code provided by your analytics provider.


If you want to add comments to your site, Kayal can be extended to support any comments provider. Create a mywebsite/layouts/partials/comments.html partial template file containing the code needed to display comments from your chosen provider.

You can use either the built-in Hugo Disqus template or provide your own custom code. Refer to the Hugo documentation for more details.

After adding comments to your site, enable them in params.toml by setting showComments: true. Note that page front matter settings override those in params.toml, so to disable comments on a specific page, set showComments: false in its front matter.

Overriding the stylesheet

If you wish to modify the site’s theme, copy the mywebsite/themes/kayal/assets/css/theme.css file to mywebsite/assets/css/theme.css. Modify the stylesheet properties in the copied file.

Psst…, you can include a custom stylesheet by creating mywebsite/assets/css/custom.css and adding your styles there.

Custom Head

The theme allows inserting additional code directly into the <head> section. Create mywebsite/layouts/partials/extend-head.html file the additional code, this will added at the end of <head> section.


If you can’t find the icons you need in this list , you can add your own by including the icon’s SVG file in mywebsite/assets/icons/. Kayal will recognize these icons for configurations in socials and menu .

Modify the SVG file by changing the fill color attributes to fill="currentColor" to match Kayal’s theme color.

You can also include these icons in your article content using the Icon shortcode

Overriding Favicons

You can override the default favicon inclusion. Create mywebsite/layouts/partials/favicons.html file with favicon HTML tags and assets. This will be injected into the sitein place of the default inclusion.